Thursday, 4 October 2012

Outfit of the Day?

I've always adored the idea of daily outfit videos and I enjoy watching them on youtube. However, I feel like the sheer amount of videos would be overwhelming, especially since I make other sorts of videos (for the record, I have never made an "outfit of the day" video). So I was thinking of starting them up on this blog, since I just recently made a cute little navigation bar off to the left side of my blog. My "daily outfit" posts will, of course, go under my "fashion" tab. I just feel like I don't post a lot on this blog. I mean, the most I've posted was over the summer when I had my 50 photographs flickr project. I think making daily outfit blog posts would be entertaining and while I may not remember the approximate cost of whatever I'm wearing, I will most likely remember where I got it from. Unless I'm wearing something that I've had for a really long time. In that case, I probably won't remember where it was from. But I would need someone to help me, since I don't have a tripod and I'm really bad at taking images of myself for full body shots. And makeshift tripods are no help at all. Because I can't rest my camera on its side. Anyway, I don't have class until 3:00 today since my stagecraft class is split in half this week & next so I'll be attending this lesson on Tuesday next week. Ooh, I have time to paint & draw today. I might post some of my artwork soon. (:

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